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Members - Please note the following:

  1. This page displays the public profile of the member you have selected - that is, the list of membership data items that can be seen by other members (but not the general public). It is important that we all protect the privacy of member's data.
  2. An individual member can choose which data items are permitted to be seen by other members, by editing their personal profile.
  3. IMPORTANT: If you have displayed  a member public profile for yourself, or any member, using this page, and using a PUBLIC computer at the SHED, YOU MUST CLOSE THIS PAGE when you are finished, so that others will not see the listing as the next user.
  4. If you access member data using a PUBLIC computer, PLEASE LOG OUT OF THE SBMS WEBSITE WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED.

Michael Farrington


Member profile details

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© South Brisbane Men's Shed Inc.  2017 - 2021   ABN:  40 455 321 773 

An Association incorporated in Queensland. Incorporation #: IA56321

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software