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South Brisbane Men's Shed has two classes of membership:

Ordinary and Associate

Both classes can enjoy the full range of activities on offer to members; Music, Woodworking, Metalworking, Gardening, Pool, E-Bike riding, Walking, Socialising to highlight a few.

Ordinary Members must be over 18 years old, may serve on the Executive Committee and Vote for those on the Executive Committee.

Associate Members must be over 12 years old (12yo to 18yo MUST have a parent or guardian with them at all times), cannot serve on nor vote for, the Executive Committee.

All Members and visitors are requested to pay $1 on each visit to The Shed, to help offset the costs of kitchen and bathroom supplies.

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© South Brisbane Men's Shed Inc.  2017 - 2021   ABN:  40 455 321 773 

An Association incorporated in Queensland. Incorporation #: IA56321

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software