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  • 19 Feb 2024 5:47 PM | Michael Farrington (Administrator)

    Throughout last year members worked on projects for outside organisations. One such project was to make two large food donation boxes for Community Friends.

  • 19 Feb 2024 5:43 PM | Michael Farrington (Administrator)

    The Uke (& other instruments) Group meets most Tuesday mornings to play well-loved repertoire provided and led by Merv Harcourt. It’s great fun, no pressure, no stress.

  • 7 Dec 2022 11:42 AM | Philip Sharp

    Outdoor seating was constructed for, and presented to Stones Corner, C & K  Kindergarten. Our  members used modwood (recycled boards) and non-toxic treated pine to produce four benches for the Kindy. The teachers were very happy with this sturdy product. Our next project for the Kindy is a Street Library in the New Year. Our payment for this work was more modwood, which is to be used for an outdoor table at the shed.

  • 30 Nov 2022 1:00 PM | Philip Sharp

    On  Wednesday 30th November,  the Mater Public Hospital Dementia Ward was presented with two fiddle boards for their patients to use. More boards are to be produced next year.  

  • 15 Nov 2022 10:00 AM | Philip Sharp

    The AGM held on 15th November was a formal recognition of members and their contributions to our shed and the community during 2022, so much was achieved during the year. A new Executive Committee was elected to lead in the management of our Shed.

  • 26 Sep 2022 8:30 AM | Systems Admin (Administrator)

    On a lovely Spring Day on Monday, 26 September, the Dutton Park Pacers enjoyed a brisk morning walk from the Shed and back again.

  • 24 Sep 2022 1:29 PM | Systems Admin (Administrator)

    In September the Shed conducted a series of Woodwork Inductions on various machinery in the Woodwork Shed. This workshop was on 24 September.

  • 23 Aug 2022 12:00 PM | Systems Admin (Administrator)

    Merv Harcourt is running a short Shed Induction for new members or anyone who missed out or would like a run through on the new sign on procedures. Come along at 12 noon on Tuesday.

  • 17 Aug 2022 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    The next Management Committee meeting will be on ..........

    Please submit any apologies or agenda items 7 days before the meeting.

    Steve Chakalakis

    Secretary, South Brisbane Men's Shed, Woolloongabba


    Shed telephone (voicemail):  (07) 3217 4742

    ☎  0451 302305 (anytime).

  • 11 Feb 2022 10:31 PM | Deleted user

    I suspect that this apology will only be read by myself so here goes!

    I had a look at the Shed website a few days ago and realized (do you like the American spelling?) that there had been nothing done with it from the end of 2021.

    So, I guess that I need to take more seriously the training of people to do things like making sure that the Events area is kept up to date and that some sort of news appears here.

    Having said that what is the news?

    COVID We discussed this briefly at our initial Management Committee meeting for 2022 and decided that Merv and I would look at what we had decided at the beginning of the crisis and whether it was still "fit for purpose". Phil Sharp managed to find the original "Covid-Safe" plan - thanks! - and Merv and I will suggest to the next meeting that it really needs little change. The important things are "Do Not come to the Shed if you are sick or are a recent close contact" , "Leave your time of arrival and departure" and "Wear a Mask unless you are eating or drinking". Otherwise anyone is able to visit. 

    Woodwork Shed. The grant to allow completion of the work on the woodwork area is largely spent and the structure is nearly completed. The last contracted work will give us a dust extraction system. Meanwhile Graham and Ted and others have carried forward the internal sheeting and storage installation. It is looking good.

    Music The Ukulele and other musical activities continue with due attention to masks and ventilation. All the members who take part are vaccinated and seem to benefit from the socialisation.

    Management Committee The Committee was formed without a Secretary at the AGM. This is a vital role for the shed and is particularly discussed in the shed Constitution. Steve Chakalakis has bravely agreed to undertake the role and  i have offered to act as Assistant Secretary. Steve is still also organising Sausage Sizzles, so he will be busy! Help him if you can.

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© South Brisbane Men's Shed Inc.  2017 - 2021   ABN:  40 455 321 773 

An Association incorporated in Queensland. Incorporation #: IA56321

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